General Information

NSE Symbol*NA
BSE Scrip Code*531822
MSEI Symbol*NA
No of persons/entities for whom change is being reported*1
Remarks (website dissemination)NA
Remarks for Exchange (not for Website Dissemination)NA
Date of Report07-08-2023

Details of Change

Sr no.Reason of Change*Designation*SalutationName of the Person / Auditor / Auditor Firm / RTANationalityPANDINEffective date of Reason for changeDate of Occurrence of EventTerm of Appointment (in yrs)Brief ProfileDisclosure of relationship with the Managing Director or Chief Executive Officer pursaunt to Reg 17(1B) of SEBI (LODR) 2015Email IDMobile NumberRemarks if anyReason of Resignation / Removal / Disqualification / Cessation / Vacation of office due to statutory authority order (In case of auditor resignation, provide reason as per auditor)
1AppointmentCompany secretaryMs.JyotiMahendrapalSinghIndianDKTPS9114M04-08-202304-08-2023Ms. Jyoti Singh is an Associate Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India holding Membership No. A60859. Her qualifications include Bachelor of Management Studies and Master in Commerce. She has expertise in handling Secretarial and Compliance requirements of the Company and also has a good understanding of Corporate, Legal and Securities Law.jyotimsingh92@gmail.com8898201128NANA